P28 promotes the engagement of communities and audiences in cultural activities across contemporary art practices while championing inclusive accessibility. A key objective is to enhance social inclusion, active citizenship, and the quality of life for individuals, with a particular focus on artists with lived experience of mental health challenges or neurodiversity, who make up the target audience and beneficiaries of P28. For its part, P28 supports artists and provides opportunities for visibility, while working to dismantle stigma surrounding mental health, and advocating for the recognition of individuals’ inherent value—not only as artists but as integral members of society. By doing so, it elevates the understanding and appreciation of their contributions to both the artistic and social spheres, helping to definitively break the stigma associated with mental health.
This approach encourages a more natural and widespread appreciation of cultural initiatives, fostering meaningful connections between citizens and the arts, contributing to their integration into everyday life.
Legal status:
Non-profit cultural association
Permanent address:
Rua das Amendoeiras, n.º 12
2760-006 Lisboa, Portugal
Phone number:
0351 964601847
Email address:
Year of foundation:
Number of permanent staff:
Full time: 6
Part time: 2
Type of organisation:
Studio and gallery