Outside In is an arts agency which supports artists who find it difficult to access the art world and enables them to develop opportunities in ways that are tailored to their individual needs. At the heart of Outside In is an avoidance of labelling of artists or their works. Artists are invited to align themselves for a variety of reasons such as disability, health, social circumstance or becausetheir work does not conform to what is normally considered as art. The goal of the project is to create a level playing field for all who create.
Being part of Outside In provides opportunities to: join a community of like-minded artists, create an online gallery, take part in national art competitions and exhibitions, sell art work, and train as a workshop leader or curator.
Outside In is was set up in 2006 by Pallant House Gallery in Chichester, West Sussex, which remains its home. The Gallery holds one of the best collections of Modern British Art in the country and is widely recognised for its critically-acclaimed exhibitions and pioneering Learning and Community programme which has inclusion at its heart. Pallant House Gallery has won numerous awards and accolades including the largest and most prestigious arts prize in the UK, the Gulbenkian Prize for museums and galleries in 2007.
One of the main vehicles for Outside In is the open art exhibition held at Pallant House Gallery. Now a Triennial, the exhibition provides a unique insight into the extraordinary breadth and vitality of work produced by individuals outside the art world. Artists meeting the Outside In criteria can submit two works to be considered for selection through the website. As well as the works included in the exhibition, six award winners are chosen to have a solo show in the studio at Pallant House Gallery. Past judges have included: Roger Cardinal, Art Historian; James Brett, founder of the Museum of Everything; and Bobby Baker, Performance Artist.
The first competition was held in 2007 and was originally open to artists living within Sussex. In 2009 it widened to include artists from the South of England. In 2012 the Triennial exhibition was the Outside In: National which showcased work by 80 artists from across the UK, chosen by a panel of four selectors: Marc Steene, Deputy Director of Pallant House Gallery/Head of Learning and Community; Rose Knox-Peebles, Art Collector; Tony Heaton, Director of Shape Arts; and Carlo Keshishian, a 2009 Outside In Award Winner. Previous Award Winners have gone on to feature in the media, to sell work and to have further exhibitions, not only in the UK but also in Europe. It is hoped that artists from across Europe will be introduced into future Triennial exhibitions.
The Outside In website is at the heart of the project, enabling artists who might otherwise find it difficult to have a digital presence. Artists can create their own personalised online galleries and enter work for exhibitions and competitions, allowing them to show up to 50 pieces of artwork along with titles and descriptions. The artists can also add their statement and, through the comments section on their web page, receive feedback on their work. Outside In monitors the comments posted on the online galleries and forwards them onto the artists, in order to support their progression and self-esteem.
If you would like further information, please contact Outside In (you can contact us or call us at any time).
Legal status:
Permanent address:
Pallant House Gallery
9 North Pallant, Chichester
West Sussex, UK PO19 1TJ
Phone number:
01243 770835
Email address:
Year of foundation:
Number of permanent staff:
Full time: 1
Part time: 3
Type of organisation:
Art Gallery - project