A nonprofit organization OirA Artless was established in 2014 in the Ukmerg? district, Lithuania, working in the field of art and culture. Since 2017 we run a noncommercial Vilkamirge Gallery in the town of Ukmerge. With the help of the local municipality and the Ministry of Culture, we are presenting professional and nonprofessional local and international artists. Also, we hold small conferences, artists' gatherings, performances, film screenings, etc.
Both of us are professional artists also.
Legal status:
Nonprofit Organisation
Permanent address:
Klevu 12, Samantonys, Ukmerges r., Lithuania, 20274
Phone number:
+370 699 95274
+370 6566 6924
Email address:
Year of foundation:
Number of permanent staff:
Full time: 2
Type of organisation:
Educational centre and gallery