Kunsthaus Kannen

Kunsthaus Kannen, in which there are studios and where artistic collections are kept and exhibitions held. The Kunsthaus is part of theAlexianerHospital, a special clinic for psychiatry and psychotherapy.

Since the beginning the 1980s, as part of the provision of creative facilities and opportunities, its activity has been increasingly focused on artistic work. From the wealth of material created in the process, the attention of the clinic's therapists was naturally drawn to the especially gifted long-term patients who had been assisted and supported in their development over several years. Since 1990 theKunsthaus Kannenhas increasingly striven to systematically maintain its collection. At present the artistic works of 40 living and 10 deceased residents are administered.

From this wealth of paintings and objects, single-artist and thematical exhibitions have been arranged and presented. Galleries and museums, both at home and abroad, have already held many exhibitions of works created in the Kunsthaus. An exchange of scientific information is maintained with museums, universities and other hospitals. We provide for our visitors, in the small but representative library, a considerable amount of information about the subjects and topics that people with disabilities choose to depict in one way or another, and about outsider art, Art Brut, psychiatry and artistic therapy.

Legal status:

Alexianer Münster GmbH

Permanent address:

Kunsthaus Kannen

Museum for Outsider Art

Alexianerweg 9

D- 48163 Münster

Phone number:

0031 –2501- 96620 560

Email address:




Year of foundation: 1996

Number of permanent staff:

Full time: 2

Part time: 4

Type of organisation:
